Union website design tip: always include a favicon

Just a quick tip for when you’re designing your union website: always include a favicon.

A favicon is the little 16 pixel by 16 pixel icon that represents your website next to the address bar or in a tab.

The Creative Union's favicon rendered by Google Chrome.

The favicon is an important part of your union’s website design. All major browsers will render the favicon, and it is used by most people to easily identify a website. This is especially the case for users who make use of tabbed browsing. Favicons are an important part of your union’s brand and the branding of your union’s campaign.

Quite a few union websites forget about their favicon. This is especially the case for websites built using Drupal and Joomla, both of which come preloaded with generic favicons. Not changing or customising your favicon is often the sign of a sloppy designer – and can be perceived by site visitors as being unprofessional.